Fun games cooking mama
Fun games cooking mama

Physical copies of Cookstar are a different story. Even stranger, the game was released on the US eShop last week, but only for a few hours, before being unceremoniously pulled from sale and its listing scrubbed from Nintendo’s digital store entirely. Order here: /tHFa35WKZ2 - Cooking Mama: Cookstar MaThat trailer (and the game’s website) point to a Nintendo eShop version of the game, but if you search for that version at time of writing - in the US or Europe - the eShop returns no results, not even a ‘Coming Soon’ entry. A brand-new Cooking Mama experience created for Nintendo Switch™.

fun games cooking mama

If you can’t stand the heat, get into Mama’s kitchen! #CookingMama is back with her most fantastic and fun video game adventure ever!Introducing Cooking Mama: Cookstar. That statement is, at best, partially true. A trailer on the game’s (extremel y quiet) Twitter feed definitively announces that it’s "available now" on Nintendo Switch. The core of this mystery lies in the fact that, depending on where you look, Cooking Mama: Cookstar is either out now, coming soon, or completely MIA.

fun games cooking mama

What in the freshly-baked hell is going on with Cooking Mama: Cookstar?

Fun games cooking mama