

  • :thinkeyes: When you’re looking at something and thinking.
  • :thinking_hard: You fool, I’m not even using 5% of my think.
  • :think-but-yeah: Thinking from the other side.
  • :party_think: When you’re thinking, and it’s a party.
  • :cubism_think: When your thinking isn’t constrained by archaic concepts like perspective.
  • :cry_think: When you’re thinking, but also need a good cry.
  • :hyperspinthink: When you’re thinking in circles, but really fast.
  • :spinthink: When you’re thinking in cirlces.
  • :cool-think: When you need to think, but you’re feeling cool about it.
  • :recursive-think: When you think of a problem as a combination of smaller problems.
  • :realism-think: When you need to think realistically.
  • :think-all-the-way-down: When your thinking is layered.
  • :thinking-hand: When you need a hand thinking.
  • :yawn-think: When it’s early, but you still need to think.
  • :upsidedown-think: When you’re thinking, but need a new perspective.
  • :thonk-intense: When you really maybe sort of think, but not really?.
  • :think: When you maybe sort of think, but not really?.
  • :thinkonk: When you maybe sort of think?.
  • :rock-think: Can you smell what The Rock is thinking?.
  • Because let’s face it, we’re all a bunch of pretty hard thinkers, and we need several different slack emoji to capture the full nuance of all the different modes of thinking we do. This time, we’re all about the thinking face.


    The last edition went heavy on the Party Parrot theme. Because how are you even doing business without them? When You Need to Express Your Level of Thinking Just when you thought it couldn’t get any better, we’ve added over 300 new emoji since our last blog post! And without further ado, here’s the new collection of some of our best Slack emoji.
